We are as proud as our authors about what we've produced!
Here are a bunch of reasons we love what we do! We love our clients!

Amanda Heals
Seeing by Vision, Not by Sight

Amanda Motolla
Learning As A Lifelong Journey

Amira Sabree
Not Love

Ani Anderson
Finding Your Soul's Agenda

Empower Yourself

Anne Prinz
Living Your Exclamation Point Life

Autumn Shields
Living Your Life Alive

Barbara Weber
Loving You to the Moon and Back

Barry Wilmeth
Making Others Rich First

Bertha Barraza
The Sense of Belonging

Brandie Allen
The Power of Self Mastery

Brenda Sillas
Loosing Your Weight for Good

Brian Harding
Service Industry Success

Catherine Walker
Boosting Your Joy

Cesar Abeid
Project Management For You

Chad Elsworth
Building Up Without Tearing Down

Chris Shockowitz
Silent Invasion

Chris Shockowitz
Colonizing Trappist

Christine Miles
What Is It Costing You Not to Listen

Colleen Hannegan
Girl on Bike

Courtney Gras
Entrepreneur is a Verb

Daniel Edds
Leveraging the Genetics of Leadership

Darren Pierre
The Invitation to Love

Darin Watkins
Change of Glory

Dave Jetson
Setting True Boundaries

David Wallace
The Journey of Our Souls

David Skultety
Ripple Marketing

David Stern
Are You For Real?

Davide di Giorgio
Being Unapologetic

David Weiss*
Getting Through the Tangles

Deanna Becket
Cultivating Your Character

Deborah Ellis
Your Money and You

Desiree Fox*
Empowering Your Own Life

Dlana Bodmer
The Miraculous Journey

Duane Martinz
Becoming Your Own Champion

Dylan Stafford
Building A Winning Organization

Eden June
Delving into the Depths

Edna Castillo
Living Your Infinite Genius

Egan Inoue
Becoming Relentless

Elias Kanaris
Liberating Your Leadership Potential

Elisa Hawkinson
Calming the Chaos

Eric Lake
Creating Your Personal Significance

Gracie Blogett
Understanding Patients' Sexual Problems

Greg Andersen
Small Business Sales WTF (Without the Fear)

Heather Vines
Love, Sun

Heather DiBlasi
Understanding Addiction and Recovery

Heather Howells
Dream It, See It, Believe It

Dr.'s Glenn & Ina Nozek
Trusting Your Inner Physician

Jackie Wellwood
Lead With Your Integrity

James Donaldson
Celebrating Your Gift of Life

James Johnson
The Goat Driver

James Johnson
Disaster Island

James Johnson
The Puzzled

James Lehman
Maneuvering Your Career

Jane Passaglia
The Dozen Deadly Words That Poison Love

Jason Cutter
Selling With Authentic Persuasion

Jeff Barnes
The Wisdom of Walt

Jeff Caliguire
Habits of Hope

Jeff Caliguire
Transformational Coaching

Jeff Caliguire
The 8 Coaching Habits

Jeff Caliguire
The Thriving Coach

Jennifer Witten
Goodbye, Short Bus

Jeremy Davis
Creating Your Work-Optional Lifestyle

Jeremy Wallace
Taking the Scenic Route to Manhood

Jerome Midgette
Understanding the Reason God Made Man

Jessica Goering
Reversing Your Child's Eating Disorder

Jim Jacobs
Driving Lessons for Life 2

Jim Jacobs
Driving Lessons for Life

Jim Nevada
Igniting Purpose-Driven Leadership

Joan McManus
Becoming Your Dream

Joanne Holbrook
Your Passport to Parenting

John Dullea & Alvaro Espinosa*
Fixing What Already Works

John Geraci & Christine Miles
The Art of the Nudge

Joe Bourland
The Selected Sermons of Dr. Roger Bourland

Jonathan Boulware
Take Control of Your Body

John Craig
Life Lessons Learned the Hard Way

John Webster
Mastering Your Fate

Jonathan Wong
Succeeding in College and Life

Jonathan Wong
Driving and Making Bank

Jonathan Wong
Tales From Behind the Wheel

Joseph Wright
Traveling in the Right Direction

Kaleb Makimoto
The Cage of Doom

Karen Degen
Heightening Your Happiness

Karen Emenheiser

Kathryn Perciful
There Must Be Some Way

Keith Knell
Adoring God

Kelli Cortes
From Trauma to Wholeness

Ken Polke
Conquering Your Adversities

Kent Mower
The Magical Moments of Christmas

Kieran Murry
Go for the Gold

Kristin Hackman
Just Breathe, Mama

Laura McKnight
Do Good, Feel Good

Linda Wells
Transforming Your Stress into Business Success

Lisa Teresi Harris
Building Your Enduring Fitness

Lori Chafin
Messages Straight from the Heart

Lorraine Jordan
Freedom to Live Your Best Life

Lorraine Jordan & Donna Beach *
Truly Winning in Real Estate

Lyla Berg
Leaving the Gilded Cage

Lynda Lamp
Walking Through Your Walls

Lynnette Otero
Feeling Joy Again

Marlee Huber
A Life of Resounding Joy

Margot Maddock Murphy
Vitalize Your Workforce

Mariel Maloney
Shifting Into 9th Gear

Mary McMichael*
Your Life Shoes

Matthew Dubin
Maximizing Your Injury Claim

Matt Jenkins
Becoming A Great Leader

Maxine Fredericks
Living Life to the MAX

Melissa Fredericks

Melissa Lynn Friess-Bailey
Creating the Best Version of You

Melissa Woods
Getting Past Anxiety

Meredith Herrenbruck
Becoming Ridiculously Awesome

Michael McBride
somatic energetics

Michael O'Brien
Fearing Nothing

Mike McDole
Creating Your Greatest You

Mike Oster
It Starts With Attitude

Natalie Kawai
Conversations With Mother Goddess

Patrick Snow
Boy Entrepreneur

Patti Smith
What Am I To Do Now?

Paula Sullivan
Simply Being Happy

Ray Higdon
Vibrational Money Immersion

Tom Piscitelli & John Sedgwick
Proposition Selling

Renee Michelle Gordon
Finding Your Love At Last

Riadh Hamadi
$2 American Dream

Romi Hancock
She Believe She Could & She Did

Rob Bare
Braving Your Adversity

Robert Henry
Unleashing Your Own Potential

Robert Ingram
The Genius Who Saved Baseball

Roxanna Bowgen
Agapantus Rising

Ron Collier
Profit is An Attitude

Sanjay Raja
The Food Talk

Shaun Sullivan
Head For Leading, Heart For Loving

Shirlene Reeves
Selling Through Your Heart

Stephanie Walton
Succeeding With Passion

Steve Roberts
Football Financial Planning

Steven Edgley
Life Between Two Gardens

Steve Edgley
Thriving After Your Stroke

Sue Stults
Reaching Beyond the Rail

Susan Ortolano
Remarrying Right

Teddie Malangwasira
Leadership is Not About Race

Teddie Malangwasira
Leading in a Diverse Environment

Teri Graham
Learning to Suffer Well

Tesa Melani
Upgrading Your Future

Thomas John
Your Lifeonomics

Vilas Satry
Drilling for Yes!

Vincent Liberti
Preparing for Your Elder Years

Wayne Mendezona
Maximizing Your Results

Wendy Lee Baldwin
Healing Your Soul in a Chaotic World
Nicole's Healing Your Dog Naturally Sample Book...
Here are a few fun interior features Nicole used on her book Healing Your Dog Naturally. She placed fun images throughout the book, placed an index at the back for complex terms and easy navigation, and also used images of her previous books in the back pages for marketing.

Do You Have A Book in You?
We do book cover design and interior book layout. You can find all of our pricing in the store. We base pricing on your manuscript word count and it's pretty straight-forward unless you have special requests. Schedule a consultation with Nicole to discuss your project today!
* Design was done by author