Using This Down Time to Birth Your Book
Well… we’ve figured out we are inside a bit longer than a few days. How much journaling have you been doing? How much deep thinking or meditating have you been doing? What have you accomplished in all things self-growth or new business initiatives? If you are any kind of entrepreneur you know this time is a tremendous gift…an opportunity to get ahead!
What is it that you have learned, what have you conquered, what have you contemplated in your time behind the closed doors of this quarantine? How have you grown? What has been realized? Have you been witness to your strengths? How about your weaknesses? What do you feel compelled to share?
Have you learned new ways that you now feel compelled to teach? Can you organize your thoughts in the structure of a book? Where have you seen the need for change and how can you improve it? Are you a medical professional on the front lines that now has new ideas for a future crisis? A food service with new ways to enhance delivery? A delivery service with new ways to protect workers? A business owner with ideas to enhance ways of working from home? Have you watched the earth heal as it’s humans have stayed home and now can propose new ideas for helping our environment. What have you observed that now can be wrapped into a book and shared with the world?
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