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140 - I Didnā€™t Know About eBook Pirating!


Today’s Topic: I Didn’t Know About eBook Pirating - Digital Designers, Protections & Self Publishing Mistakes…

Where do we start with today’s episode? I’ve been in the marketing, advertising, and book business for most of my career and the one thing that gets under the skin as a professional in any industry is when someone has a quick fix solution or work around for the thing you do professionally with great pride.

Now, it’s not something to get agitated about, because business people need quick solutions and that’s why services like Canva or Fiverr or some of the others are so successful. You have a need and there is a quick fix solution to keep rolling along in your business. But, there’s a huge difference between digital and print that is a bit challenging to explain to someone that doesn’t have a background in it.

Print is nearly obsolete these days outside of the book industry. Most things go into a system and...

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018 - Book Distribution - How Does It Work?

amazon distribution sales Feb 13, 2020

Have you written a book or considering writing one? If so, have you given distribution any thought? Most people don’t think about distribution until after they have done their book release party and already sold a few books, but…you really should have distribution set up well before you start selling any books! Unless you’ve already written a book you have no idea that there is an entire process surrounding the words of your manuscript. Being a self-published author means stepping up and knowing all of these processes. This is where hiring a coach that knows what they are doing will help you seamlessly manage all the stages of making your book a successful reality. Its about far more than the content and distributing your book awakens you to the idea that writing a successful book requires a smart business plan well before the words hit the page.

So you’ve perhaps already written a book and now you’re looking into the proper distribution...

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