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148 - Fire and Fury: The Maui Fires Book That Appeared While Flames Were Still Burning


Today’s Topic: Fire and Fury: The Maui Fires Book That Appeared While Fires Were Still Burning

I had a completely different podcast that I had written and planned to record today, but the truth is that my temper was burning when I saw this book appear while the fires will still burning on Maui. For those that don’t know, I lived on Maui for several years. I ate lunch in Lahaina daily at Choice Health Bar. As many of us did, I watched the events of those days in horror of what was occurring. It was my home! I know that area and I know that this is just not something that occurs there! My dogs and I hiked in the west maui mountains daily. We went up via the jeep trail and made out way to the top for the vast open views over Lahaina. We used to sit up there and watch whales in the distance on occasion. We’ve also been shut out of there from an occasional brush fire. We have also witnessed flames being doused with helicopter water dumps from the ocean, over...

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127 - Best Seller Lies!

best seller bestseller lies Jul 22, 2022

Hey Guys! Nicole Gabriel here! I’m the host of the Let’s Get Your Book Published podcast. I’m also the author multiple books, a Book Designer, and a Publishing Coach as well as an intuitive Business Coach.

I’ve been in the book business for awhile now and I’ve helped many clients get their book published over the years. On this podcast I share personal stories, client stories, and the truths about the publishing industry….


Today’s Topic: Best Seller Lies - What Makes a Book a Bestseller?

Oh boy there is confusion about what really is a best seller these days! Ever since books started being sold on Amazon it seems there has been a lot of confusion. I got copied on an email conversation with a coach and an author the other day and the coach likes to use the term “book purist” to make his clients humbled about the way a book should be seen in certain communities. But, the thinking is a bit...

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052 - Why Every Bestseller ListĀ is Always aĀ Lie!

bestseller truth Jun 19, 2020

Hi Guys! Hope you’re doing well and you’re hanging in there during these historical times.

As someone that is empathic and has studied a multitude of metaphysical and spiritual practices over the years I have a few habits I have developed. When I wrote my book Finding Your Inner Truth I knew that to master something was to teach it. I assumed as a writer I would also be asked to share what I wrote…perhaps the role of a teacher. I guess you could say that I was (and still am) seeking to master my truth. For me, truth has always been what is true for me and based on my personal experiences.

When I begin any new client project I hold each moment in a sacred space. I understand that, for most of my authors, writing a book is a bucket list item and one that is cause for great celebration. I cry right along with each author as they move through the process of writing and publishing their book. I celebrate their victory right along side of them. I know what it...

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