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042 - Using A Book to Position You As An Expert in Times of Change


Hey Guys! Nicole Gabriel here!

Have you been watching everything going on in the world and you want your voice heard? Are you an expert in something but you’re lacking the necessary crowd-pleasing credentials? How many times have you looked at the state of our world and said “somebody should do something!” And then you are literally aching inside that no one has. You’re likely a way-shower, a light-bearer, a change-maker.

You have watched people stand up with a voice and  a strong opinion but what turns it from an option to a fact or better yet…what makes them an expert?

You know, during this last few months I told a few people that I believed I may have come in contact with this COVID virus and there were times I was very ill over the last few years. I had friends that doubted me until they read an article stating that it’s possible the virus has been around a lot longer than originally predicted. So what they read gave them the...

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